Understanding Anthracite Coal : A Global Perspective

Anthracite coal


Coal is a black / brownish sedimentary rock formed due to composition of plant matter over millions of years. Throughout the globe it is used as a fuel for electricity generation & various industrial purposes. Coal in general is classified into different types based on their carbon content & energy output.

In this article we will discuss about “Anthracite Coal ” which is the highest graded coal and learn more about it in a detailed manner.

Happy Reading Folks πŸ™‚

What Is Anthracite Coal ?

Anthracite Coal
Anthracite Coal

This is a high graded variety of coal which is known for its hardness, super high carbon content & very less impurities. It has more than 86 % carbon content present in it making it the highest ranking type of coal.

This type of coal has the lowest moisture & volatile matter content making it an excellent fuel source across the globe. Due to its superior qualities, anthracite coal burns cleaner and and much longer than other types of coal producing less smoke and high heat and energy output.

Global Demand For Anthracite Coal

The global demand for this coal is on a rising trend due to its versatile and efficiency qualities. Many industries ( Power Generation & Steel Industries ) completely depend on this coal due to its high efficiency and reduced environmental impact.

Also many European countries during cold seasons used this coal for home heating and house hold purposes.

Fact πŸ™‚ : U.S.A, China & Ukraine are the leading producers of anthracite coal.

Uses Of Anthracite Coal

Lets understand the uses one by one :

Global Steel Industry

It is widely used in the production of high quality steel since it has high carbon content and very low impurity content. It also plays a very critical role in smelting process.

House Hold Purpose

Majority of the house hold across the globe use this high quality coal for coal stoves, fireplaces and home heating process for its clean burning quality. It also has the capability to provide consistent heat while producing minimum ash and other pollutants.

Water Filtration Process

This coal acts as a excellent filtering agent in water purification process, it has the capacity to remove all the contaminants and other suspended solids making it very critical in city water purification units and industrial water purification units.

Power Generation Units

It is wide used in Thermal power plants for energy production, since it has very low sulfur content and this in turn reduces emissions.

Anthracite Coal For Sale . Where Exactly To Buy ?

Big industries, home owners and landlords who are looking to buy this coal here are a few options :

Coal Distributors

Companies present in USA, Russia, China & Ukraine offer in bulk quantity majorly for industrial use. In fact industrial buyers can take the benefits of deals and reduced price options when they purchase in bulk quantity.

Online E-Commerce Market Place

Major e-commerce market places like Amazon and other online coal retailers sell anthracite coal in different size.

Anthracite Coal can be purchased using this link – AMAZON

Anthracite Coal 25 kg bags can also be purchase online – AMAZON

There are many local sellers who sell coal for house hold heating purposes.


Anthracite coal is considered as a premium source of energy which offers efficient and a clean experience. Whether its for industrial purpose purpose, residential purpose or for water purification plants – Anthracite always will be first choice.

As the global energy demand and supply change at faster rate, anthracite will continue to evolve as sustainable and a valuable resource.

” One point that we would like to mention is – If you are looking to purchase anthracite coal always look for reliable and trusted suppliers. Do check their google ratings and then take a decision πŸ™‚ “

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