Table of Contents

Natural Gas Introduction.
Before analyzing, Is Natural Gas Renewable or nonrenewable? Let us go through some of the basic concepts of Natural Gas.
Natural Gas is one of the most commonly used energy resources across the globe. Natural Gas is primarily used for electricity generation and heating purposes during winter season. It is considered as one of the cleanest burning fossil fuel when compared to coal and plays a big and a crucial role in global energy mix.
As the whole globe moves towards the reliable and sustainable source of energy, questions regarding the renewability of natural gas is gaining importance and is becoming extremely importantly.
In this article lets explore how is Natural Gas formed and try to answer is natural gas renewable ? Before we try to answer the question Is Natural Gas Renewable Or Nonrenewable ? Lets read through some of the concepts.
Formation Of Natural Gas.
What is Natural Gas – Natural Gas is a type of fossil fuel that is formed deep within the earth from the remains very ancient plants and animals. The formation of natural gas does not happen overnight it takes millions of years for its formation. And to be precise it requires a set of geological conditions for its formation.
It all begins with the accumulation of organic matter in swamps, lakes or oceans and over the course of time this organic matter is buried by layer of mud, sand and clay. Gradually as time passes by, layers of sand & mud accumulate and apply tremendous pressures to the organic material beneath them.
As time passes by the pressure and temperature rises as the burial goes deeper due to which the organic materials undergo a chemical change and gets converted into substance called as “Kerogen”. Kerogen is a was like black substance which is a intermediate stage between organic matter and hydrocarbons.
Gradually as temperature rises the Kerogen is subjected to more heat and pressure converting it into liquid hydrocarbon and gaseous hydrocarbon which is also called as “Natural Gas” which is primarily made up of Methane ( CH4 ). As a addon Methane is a colorless and a odorless gas.
Natural Gas also consists of other hydrocarbons namely Ethane, Propane & Butane but Methane is the most dominant one present in the Natural Gas. Also Natural Gas also consists of impurities Carbon-Di-Oxide, Nitrogen and Hydrogen Sulfide which later removed during processing, after which it is distributed for use.
After the formation of Natural Gas it moves upwards through porous rocks and once it encounters a permeable rock though which it cannot escape it get trapped causing a natural gas deposit. Once the natural gas deposit is located, the gas is extracted through drilling and other advanced techniques like horizontal drilling.
Is Natural Gas Renewable ?
Now since we have some basic understanding on what is Natural gas, lets now deep dive and try to find out Is Natural Gas Renewable ?
Since Natural Gas is extracted from finite reserves , it can never be considered a renewable source of energy. Its formation is very slow and takes millions of years to be formed and supply is very limited. Hence Natural Gas cannot be considered as Renewable. Finally, Is Natural Gas Renewable ? Answer is NO

Natural Gas And The Future of Global Energy.
Since Natural Gas is a Non-Renewable source of energy its role in global energy podium is very uncertain. As the world moves towards more and more renewable source of energy such as Solar Energy, Wind Energy and other renewable source of energy its dependence on Natural Gas is gradually decreasing. However in the short run Natural Gas is likely to play a very crucial role in satisfying the global energy demand.
Since we have a clear understanding on Is Natural Gas Renewable Or Nonrenewable ? Lets go through the conclusion.
Natural Gas is formed due to slow decomposition of organic matter due to great pressure & heat within the earths crust. It takes millions of years to get formed. Although in the short run it is a very crucial source of energy for satisfying global energy needs but in the long run dependance on natural gas is uncertain.
Despite its non renewable status it is considered as cleaner alternative to coal. Its role may be very prominent at the present but in the longer run the role of natural gas will gradually diminish as renewable energy will gain importance and will be will widely adopted.
If you would like to read more about natural gas, consider clicking here : Natural Gas
If you are really interested in learning how energy geopolitics works consider visiting this section in the coming days where we speak about how Geopolitics works with respect to energy : Energy Geopolitics
Dear reader, hope you liked the content and hope that we were able to answer all your question Is Natural Gas Renewable Or Nonrenewable ?