What Is Natural Gas Liquids ? – Its Importance In Energy Industry

What Is Natural Gas Liquids ?


What Is Natural Gas Liquids ? ” is a very common question asked in the Energy Sector. While NGL or Natural Gas Liquids play a very significant role in the energy sector worldwide. They are a integral part of the industries ranging from petrochemical industries to energy industries.

This truly showcases NGL or Natural Gas Liquids importance in the present global energy scenario. In this article lets try to understand what is ” What Is Natural Gas Liquids ? “and their importance and significance in the global energy mix.

Happy Reading Folks πŸ™‚

What Is Natural Gas Liquids ?
What Is Natural Gas Liquids ?

What Is Natural Gas Liquids ?

Natural Gas Liquids or NGL’s is simple words is a group of hydrocarbons found in natural gas and are extracted during natural gas processing. These liquids are in gaseous form but when rightly treated these gases condense into liquids.

Hope you now know the meaning of ” What Is Natural Gas Liquids ? “

FACTπŸ™‚ : Natural Gas Liquids are lighter than crude oil !

Types Of Natural Gas Liquids

As we have got a brief understanding of Natural Gas Liquids, lets now understand the different types of NGL’s available in the market and their applications –


Ethane is primarily used as a raw material for Ethelene production, Ethelene is a key material used in plastics and chemical industry.


Propane is primarily used as a heating fuel for cooking purposes. Propane is also used as a fuel for vehicles in its liquified form LPG [ Liquified Petroleum Gas ]

To know more about LPG, click he following link : LPG πŸ™‚


Butane is blended with Propane and is used as LPG, also this can be used as refrigeration system. Also Butane is also used in the production of synthetic rubber across the globe.


Isobutane is a variant of Butane, and is used is refineries for producing high octane fuel. This process is called as alkylation process.


Pentanes is used as a solvent various industry sectors.

How are Natural Gas Liquids Produced ?

What Is Natural Gas Liquids ?
What Is Natural Gas Liquids ?

The production of Natural Gas Liquids, occurs during the process of natural gas and refining crude oil.

When raw natural gas is extracted and sent for processing, when raw natural gas are subjected to various processes, NGL’s get separated and collected for further processes and usage. Also during the crude oil refining process, NGL’s gets separated and is collected as a byproduct.

Applications Of Natural Gas Liquids

NGL’s are very versatile and are used in numerous industries across the globe.

  • NGL’s are used in household cooking, heating and transportation sectors across the globe.
  • NGL’s are widely used in petrochemical industries production of synthetic rubber & plastics.
  • NGL’s namely propane is used in agriculture sector for drying crops particularly grains.

Apart from this, there are many other applications of Natural Gas Liquids across different industries across the globe.

Significance Of Natural Gas Liquids

Natural gas liquids have a significant weightage in the global energy mix. Apart from this, there are other significant reasons. Lets see them one by one.

  • Countries with abundant NGL reserves, can gain economic benefits by exporting NGL.
  • NGL’s are considered as clean burning fuels, emitting less pollutants.
  • Petro chemical industries across the globe have huge demand for NGL.\
  • As the world moves towards clean energy, NGL can play a pivotal role in providing clean and lower carbon energy alternatives.


While NGL’s have a huge potential across the globe, but this comes with a lot of challenges. Here are some of the challenges :

Advance infrastructure is required for NGL storage and transportation, this can be a very costly venture. NGL’s are highly subjected to global price fluctuation leading to uncertainty. Although NGL’s are considered as a clean fuel, but it still contributes to Greenhouse gas emissions.


No doubt, NGL plays a vital role in energy and petrochemical industries providing a huge range of applications throughout the globe. Looking at their versatility they are very important and will remain as a key component in the global energy landscape .

By understanding more about NGL’s, we can better appreciate their importance and their impact on our life’s.

If want to read more about NGL, click on the following link – NGL

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